In these difficult times we ask that you observe this advice. Please wait outside the clinic and knock on the door before entering or phone from the carpark. Stay safe.

We are OPEN but NOT for routine visits. We are not taking on any new client registrations during this period due to high demand for our services – thank you for understanding.

coronavirus information

Following guidance from the British Veterinary Association and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; our governing body. We have now been instructed to not undertake routine appointments.

From Tuesday 24th March we will no longer be carrying out routine appointments or operations.
Any appointments made for the coming weeks will be postponed.

Routine appointments are things such as vaccinations, neuterings and appointments that are not essential to ensure the health and welfare of your pet. Vaccinations can generally go overdue by 3 months.

In line with government guidance we have increased strict social distancing measures at our practice to keep you and our teams safe, secure the best care for your pets and help reduce the transmission of the coronavirus.

Following guidance already issued last week we must insist that we will not be allowing any clients to enter our practice premises. This policy MUST be followed by all veterinary practices.

We would ask for your patience, your co-operation and help as we try to make these measures work. With your help we can be here for you and your pets as and when you need us through this pandemic. If you have any questions or unsure if your appointment is routine, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to assist.

Vaccination during Covid lockdown

Those of you worried about missing your pets’ annual booster vaccinations can be comforted by the fact that they will last 15 months. So if you’re due now you’ll be safe til end of June. After that you will need a full course of injections.

Pethealthplan members will not pay extra if two injections are needed.
Puppy and kitten vaccinations- it is recommended that these are postponed until lockdown is over and to keep them in the house.

Prescriptions and medicines

You can still pick up your prescriptions but all transactions must be done over the phone (including payment) because although we are open for emergencies we are physically closed. Please wait in carpark and someone will take the meds to you. We need a minimum of 48hrs notice as suppliers are patchy at moment.

Alternatively we have a courier who for £10 will deliver anywhere in Kent. This is very popular.

Thanks for your understanding.

Be safe.

bulldogs faversham vets

Ring us for an appointment